Pairings for 2017
My first year officially breeding! I had geckos already in the previous year but I spent a decent amount of time researching before deicing to breed. My first two low-end pairs did not have any lineage, but they produced some great pets for many families. I’m glad I started with something lower-end before moving up.
Offspring Name Theme for this year: Names starting with certain letters would determine generation/pairing (did not last very long).
Please note: If you see any blanks in the lineage ( it will look like this: __________ ), these are gaps I do not have on hand. Know more about the lineage and can fill in any gaps? Fill-out a Contact form, I would really appreciate it! The more information I have the better.
Crested Gecko Pairings
– Bindy x Bunny
– Buddy x Bonnie
– Elixir x Bibby (Continued into 2019)

All of my original 4 geckos did not have any lineage. Bindy is still with me to this day (writing this in March of 2023) as he’s such a great pet and has a load of personality. He’s always been the gecko I take out to let people hold a gecko due to his temperament.
All of my original 4 geckos did not have any lineage. Originally the geckos were going to have names starting with different letters so I could tell what generation they were in. However, that got out of hand pretty quickly once I had multiple pairings going at once.

All of my original 4 geckos did not have any lineage. Buddy was my second-ever gecko. He was a little spaztic, but I fell in love with him due to his rusty red color. It’s not the typical “red” people dream about but he caught my eye and I liked that about him.
All of my original 4 geckos did not have any lineage. She came from a local pet shop that has since closed down. I remember how excited I was to find another gecko with similar colorations to Buddy. They certainly made some funky kids together.

Produced by Pangea Reptile out of __________x__________
__________ produced by __________ out of __________x__________
__________ produced by __________ out of __________x__________
Bibby AKA Niblet
Produced by Pangea Reptile out of __________x__________
__________ produced by __________ out of __________x__________
__________ produced by __________ out of __________x__________